Monday, 1 June 2015


Before you stare in shock and think I've just said something that isn't acceptable in polite conversation, relax.  You may not be familiar with the term, but masturdating refers to going out alone.  Going to a movie alone, dinner alone, a concert get the picture.

It's also something a lot of people aren't comfortable doing.  For those of us still riding the single train, it's a constant reality.  I fully admit I've done it.  Not just once, not twice, but countless times.  I refuse to miss out on the fun just because I'm solo.

This isn't a pity party and I'm not out for the "awwww" factor.  Instead, I want to draw attention to a topic that's not frequently talked about and some people think it's pathetic.  So did I at first.  Yes, I'd rather be doing these things with friends, family, or (gosh) a boyfriend, but you don't always get what you want.  I make the choice to go out anyways, regardless of what people may think about me.

Does it feel awkward saying "one, please" when the waiter asks how many for dinner?  You bet.  Do you feel like everyone's staring?  At first you do.  But here's the thing.  I could be at home, moping, or I could be out living life, regardless of my marital status.  I like the living part better!

My family and closest friends know that it has been a long time since my last relationship.  I am coming to a point where my grade 9 students have been alive longer than I've had a boyfriend (do they even call him that when you're 34?).  If I'd chosen to spend these past 13 years avoiding masturdating, I would have missed out on life.

 I'm still hopeful that a great guy is out there somewhere and we'll have moments together laughing about the crazy stuff we've done together.  I'll also be able to look back and know that even when he wasn't around, I was strong enough and determined enough not to let that get the best of me.

Until then, how many for dinner?

One, please.

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