Thursday, 2 July 2015

Living the Strange Life: Serially Single

After having a good chuckle over the word "masterdating", I was curious to see if any term exists to describe someone who is perpetually and serially single.  Turning to the digital know-it-all, Mr. Google, I plugged in my inquiry and the internet spit back some interesting suggestions.  Amongst them were the following:

...loner, odd, strange, isolated, lone, spouseless...

I won't sugar coat it.  Yes, being single is lonesome.  There are days you wonder just where you went wrong and why Mr. (or Mrs.) Right hasn't shown up on your radar yet.  You start to question if there is something so fundamentally wrong with you that there isn't at least one potential mate lining up to spend time with you.  Personally, I've somewhat seriously considered the possibility that I have a naturally occurring invisibility cloak, but thought that might be a bit too "Big Bang Theory"ish.

Some of my closest friends have begun to pair off and start their own families and it's hard not to wish I was in same vote.  Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled my friends have had success in that area of their life, but it certainly cuts down on the number of people available for a night out.  Breastfeeding and pub crawls aren't exactly made for each other.

So what do you do when you are serially single?  I haven't had a serious relationship in more years than I like to count and I'm past the age of wanting to go out to the bar, indulge in a bit too much alcohol and try to pick up intoxicated men.  I'm also not up for the guys who seem to think they can grab anything and anywhere while shouting over impossibly loud music. 

Where does that leave me?  Well, there's the option of the internet and dating apps.  A few of those friends I referenced earlier are happily married to people they met on dating websites, so I know for a fact it is possible to find love online.

My experience, however, hasn't exactly been starry.  From guys who think an appropriate first date gift is a pack of bubble gum or a hockey puck, to men who suggest I'm naive because I won't show a lot of skin in my pictures, online dating has landed me a few duds.

When you've been disappointed time after time, it's easy to become frustrated and give up.  It's easy to go for a night with a good book, rather than the preferred "good man".  So how does one continue to believe?  What hope is there out there for all of us great girls who just don't seem to be on any decent guy's radar?

As long as I'm still a "player" (pardon the pun), winning is a possibility.   I also don't like to lose.  Giving up, to me, is choosing to lose.  If I continue to put myself out there, no matter how much or how little, I'm still in the game...and that means I may still win.  Out there somewhere, is a guy who has lived his own strange and spouseless life.  

Until we find each other, this "loner" is going to keep looking.

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