Saturday, 28 June 2014

Week 1 of Footloose & Callus-Free: Listerine & Vinegar Recipe

Normally I'd head off to the local nail salon to tend to my overly-callused feet.  However, seeing as this is the summer of the extra-frugal budget, spending $25.00 (+ tip) on my tootsies seems somewhat frivolous.

I did a search online to find do-it-yourself callus removing foot soaks that are made with ingredients likely found around the house.  Each week in July, I am to try one to see if you really can get soft & sexy feet without the trip to your local spa.

Week 1: The Listerine Approach

Yup, Listerine.  Apparently, not just for your pearly whites!  This recipe comes from another blogger's attempt at trying Pinterest recipes.  Vinegar & Listerine Foot Soak

The blogger starts off the process by soaking for 10 min, and doesn't see much of a difference.  After her readers encourage a longer soak time, she soaks for closer to 30 min.  Much better results!

So here I sit, on the edge of my tub, with my feet in 1 c. of Listerine, 1 c. of white vinegar, and 1 c. of warm (now cool) water.





30 min have passed and I'm scrubbing off some of the calluses with a pumice stone.  Not all the callus came off, but then again, my heels were pretty nasty.  I creamed my feet with a Miracle Foot Repair cream that was a Christmas present one year, and am now wearing a thick pair of socks to help the cream set in.

The soak wasn't itchy and it didn't burn.  I do smell strongly of minty vinegar, but there are worse things!  Some of the callus came off more easily than had I soaked it in a bucket of water, so I'll give this soak a 3/5.

 Week 2: Sea Salt & Baking Soda Soak from the blog, Nuts 4 Stuff

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