Tuesday, 16 December 2014


Goals for 2014:
  1. Learn how to pole dance....check
  2. Update & replace certain wardrobe items....mostly check (a couple remnants from my old life remain for those days I would rather curl up with a warm blanket)
  3. End a 12 year....um, on another hand, I'll keep this one to myself.... uncheck :( 

It's that time of the year again.  The time I look back and see if I actually accomplished what I set out to do in January 2014.  I'd give myself a passing grade of 60%.  Moderate performance, but clearly not honourable mention.

Just re-reading that last statement reaffirms what I'm setting out to do in 2015 and it has to do with respect.  I realized that while I try to respect my peers, my students, my family, and others, I actually treat my own life with a great deal of disrespect.

Like so many others, I am my own worst critic.  I put myself down, I take my frustrations out on my own possessions or worse, my body.  The past few months I've been asking myself "why me"?  Why do I have a lack of willpower to budget, to eat right, to exercise, to find a partner in life, to keep my possessions in good repair, or keep a neat & tidy house?  Why did I draw the short stick and end up single at 33, childless, and overweight?  How come I have to be the loser in these areas of life, blah, blah, blah....wow, did that sound whiny.

A little revelation in the shower yesterday brought me up short.  The only person telling me that I can't do something, don't deserve to be happy, or that I'm only 2nd best is...ME.  It's not written anywhere that I can't be pretty, fit, fiscally responsible, and in a serious relationship.  I don't have to settle for this!

So...(drum roll please)...I made a little visual to remind me of what I'm setting out to do this year:

Okay, so the teacher in me had to put this into a fun little graph, lol.  Laughter aside, my goal for 2015 is to focus on each area and learn to respect my body, the food I put in it, the money I make, and the belongings I own.

Bring it on, 2015!

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